Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have faith in things as of yet never seen,
Things growing in a faraway ground of green,
Things promising me to sprout the heart's delight,
(Or I'm promising myself the grass is greener thing is right).

I'm seeing things in the clearest vision,
Apples for plucking, fish for frying, cow's milk,
The time is come, I make final my decision,
God, bless my roaming, Your humble ilk.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Pothead

The world of men craves plagues and crimes, Geezh!
My remedy tends toward timid ends, hashish.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

To She

Miss, could you maybe
Put my heart back
In its rib-rack?

It beats better
In my chest
Than quivering to warm your breast.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

À Mlle.

Peux-tu remettre
Le coeur à son espace?

Ça ira mieux
Que de le laisser
Nu, parmi une place.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'll mark thee Winter,
Hast plunged the grass
And ground within a snowy trough

As if a
Bitter nip
Were not enough.