Saturday, June 16, 2007

The world turns

The sun rises, the night ends,
The world turns,
A baby is born, a junkie collapses,
The world turns,
A child scrapes his knee, a mother mends,
The world turns,
A murderer goes free, a rapist is caught,
The world turns,
Friends part, bonds deform,
The world turns,
Gun battles are waged, committees confer,
The world turns,
The pious pray, a skeptic scoffs,
The world turns,
A dog barks, a horn honks,
A boy smokes, a man coughs,
A jet roars, a roach runs, a plant grows,
Dusk glows and the sun sets
Though really doesn't move at all
As the world turns.

1 comment:

E. said...

I should've done this weeks ago. Anyway, check out my blog at