Sunday, November 19, 2006

An Ode to Those Courageous Few

Sing the ode of those courageous few
Who dared to dare
Who feard no thing
Who stayed loyal to their cause
When the world yelled no
They whispered why
They tried it themselves
They made up their own minds
Those brave souls who we now mourn
I look to thee for comfort
And guidance
And rest

One ode to those courageous souls
Who deserve many more
Who fought the battles I could not
Who went down swinging
With honor among thieves
I cannot thank you
Nor can I tell you how grateful I am
For everything
For everything you shared with me:
The times
The talk
And now the teeth.
I have no regrets
Other than not singing this sooner.

An Ode to those courageous few
Who made my little life worth living.

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